Banking and Investing
Meet your business goals and maximise the efficiency of your cash operations

Basic Business Account
- Issue cheques and receive payment for daily operations
- Receive detailed periodic statements for all account transactions
- Arrange pre-authorized payments
- Customize business cheques and services

Foreign Currency Business Account
- Issue cheques and receive payments, deposit and withdraw funds in major international currencies
- Reduce your exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
- Receive detailed periodic statements for all account transactions
- Pay for services according to usage
Savings and Investing
Our solutions ensure that your surplus funds earn competitive rates of interest.

Business Savings Account
- Earn a competitive rate of interest
- Increase your returns with tiered rates for higher balances
- Access cash as business opportunities arise
- Receive detailed account statements for all transactions

Term Deposits
- Improve your cash flow management with security and convenience
- Interest payments annually or at maturity
- Available in BSD and USD
- Available terms from 31 days to five years
Need more information?

Talk to one of our Relationship Managers about Scotiabank's Corporate and Commercial Banking solutions.