Direct Deposit
No need to wait for your paychecks to be delivered to you. Electronic Direct Deposit gives you immediate and easy access to your money.
You can arrange to have your paycheck and pension check deposited directly to your account electronically.
Setting up your Direct Deposit is easy. Contact your Scotiabank branch and someone will assist you in setting up Direct Deposit.
In preparation for your automatic payroll deposit, please complete the Preliminary Payroll Authorisation Form [PDF: 20.1 Kb] and provide it to your company's Human Resources department.
To ensure that your banking transactions are processed correctly, it's important to format your account information properly.
Here’s how to do it:

Transit Number Placement:
The transit number, which is a 5-digit number that identifies your bank branch, must always be placed in front of your account number.

Account Number Length:
Your account number must be 9 digits long.
If your account number is less than 9 digits, you will need to add zeros in front of it to reach the 9-digit requirement.

Final Format:
Once you have the 9-digit account number, combine it with your transit number.
For example, if your transit number is 10785 and your account number (after adding zeros) is 000123456, the final format should be 10785000123456.
This format ensures your information is processed correctly, avoiding delays or issues with your transactions being rejected.